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S'han trobat 106 ítems

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media icon DUGiMedia 6 setembre 2012 Sistemes d’ajuda a la decisió Comas Matas, Joaquim ; Garrido Baserba, Manel
out url icon DUGiDocs 3 març 2023 Turisme i nuclis urbans, determinants del finançament municipal a Espanya 2000-2018 Guixeras López, Xavier
doc icon DUGiDocs 29 maig 2015 Understanding the ecological success of two worldwide fish invaders (Gambusia holbrooki and Gambusia affinis) Srean, Pao
out url icon Recercat Understanding the ecological success of two worldwide fish invaders (Gambusia holbrooki and Gambusia affinis) Srean, Pao
doc icon DUGiDocs 12 setembre 2017 Validation of availability and policy based management for programmable networks Maldonado López, Ferney A.
doc icon DUGiDocs 28 juny 2019 X-ray tomography investigation of the impact damage mechanisms of thin-ply composites and the use of veils to improve their impact tolerance García Rodríguez, Santiago
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